Mark 4:21-34

In this week’s reading of Mark 4:21-34, there are three parables spoken by Jesus: the parable of the lamp, the parable of the growing seed, and the parable of the mustard seed. Here are the key points and significance of each:

  1. Parable of the Lamp (Mark 4:21-25):

    • The kingdom of God should be openly proclaimed and shared, not hidden.

    • Believers are called to be transparent and to spread the light of truth.

    • Jesus emphasizes the importance of paying attention to his teachings.


    • This parable underscores the importance of transparency and openness in sharing the message of the kingdom of God.

    • It emphasizes the responsibility of believers to proclaim the truth boldly and to live lives that reflect the light of Christ for all to see.

  2. Parable of the Growing Seed (Mark 4:26-29):

    • The kingdom of God grows mysteriously and gradually, beyond human comprehension.

    • It highlights the sovereignty of God in bringing about its growth and fruition.


    • This parable highlights the mysterious and gradual growth of the kingdom of God, which occurs through divine agency rather than human effort alone.

    • It emphasizes the sovereignty of God in bringing about the growth and fruition of his kingdom, despite human limitations and understanding.

  3. Parable of the Mustard Seed (Mark 4:30-34):

    • Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a mustard seed, which is one of the smallest seeds when sown in the ground. Yet, it grows into one of the largest plants, with branches so large that birds can nest in its shade.

    • He also compares the kingdom of God to yeast that a woman mixes into flour until it permeates the entire batch of dough.


    • This parable emphasizes the surprising and exponential growth of the kingdom of God from small beginnings to significant outcomes.

    • It illustrates the transformative power of the kingdom, which starts inconspicuously but eventually impacts and influences the world around it.

Overall, these parables collectively convey important teachings about the nature, growth, and impact of the kingdom of God, as well as the role of believers in proclaiming and living out its message.

In God’s grip,

Pastor Chuck Church

If you are reading the Gospel of Mark with Pastor Chuck this year, below is a short and simple guide to doing so for this week:

Prayer: Heavenly Father, your words expose my innermost thoughts and desires. I am an open book before you when I read your book. May your truths work as I read of your holiness, truth, and love. May the power of your word be known in my life so that I might genuinely have the abundant life you came to give.  Amen.

Read: Mark 4:21-34

Questions to guide your thinking:

  1. Regarding the Parable of the Lamp:

    • Am I being transparent and open in sharing the truth of the gospel, or am I hiding it?

    • How can I better reflect the light of Christ in my actions and words?

    • Do I pay attention to Jesus' teachings, and am I applying them in my life?

  2. Regarding the Parable of the Growing Seed:

    • Am I patient and trusting in God's timing for the growth of his kingdom, both in my own life and in the world?

    • How can I cultivate an attitude of trust and reliance on God's sovereignty in the midst of uncertainty?

    • In what ways can I cooperate with God's work of growth and transformation in my life and in the lives of others?

  3. Regarding the Parable of the Mustard Seed:

    • Do I underestimate the significance of small acts of faithfulness and obedience in building God's kingdom?

    • How can I embrace the unexpected and transformative nature of God's work, even when it doesn't align with my expectations?

    • Am I actively participating in the growth and expansion of God's kingdom through my words, actions, and prayers?


Mark 4:35-41


Mark 4:1-20