“The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer, is Singing Loud for All to Hear.”


How long did you wait this year to start playing Christmas music? I have generally waited until after Thanksgiving before I start playing Christmas music or even to decorate. This year, however, I have noticed that many people have decided to celebrate the Christmas season a bit early. Maybe it is because we are looking for a little bit more to be happy about this year. Whatever their reason, I have chosen not to judge them for it. If it makes them happy and brings joy to their lives why should I let that bother me.

In one of my favorite Christmas movies, “Elf”, the character Buddy the Elf encounters another character in the movie named Jovie who says she is “just trying to get through the holidays.” A feeling I believe many can relate to. Buddy tells Jovie, that “the best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.” Earlier this week I was driving home feeling defeated by the many issues that our world is facing. I remembered this part of the movie and decided to give it a try. I turned my car radio to a station playing Christmas music and began to sing along. Instantly my focus shifted from what I was upset about to feeling joyful for Christmas. My mood shifted almost instantly.

It seems that many of us have different feelings about this time of year. In one popular song we are told “it’s the most wonderful time of the year”, but not all of us feel that way, including Christians. Many of us have had our wonder dimmed because of the over commercialization of Christmas. Some of us struggle to see the joy this time of year because of loss. A minister friend of mine recently posted online how he doesn’t enjoy this time of year because of the over commercialization of the holiday and is ready to tell people that. When I saw this I said to myself, “I hope this is not what he preaches to his congregation!” Not everybody understands what Christmas should mean, but that should not be a reason for us to be angry with the rest of the world. Do you know that the Grinch who stole Christmas never hated Christmas? Watch the animated movie again. He never hated Christmas, he hated people. A very large majority of Americans will celebrate Christmas but only a small fraction of them will attend a Christmas Eve service. Yes, they might not understand the true meaning of Christmas, but it is not their job to figure it out. It our job to lead them there. That is not going to happen if we don’t love people this time of year.

The true wonder of Christmas is found in the love of God manifested in Christ and made real in our hearts when we share that love with others. Join us online this Sunday as we discuss how we are anointed people who have been sent to “bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners.” Let us sing loud the good news for all to hear so that we may possibly bring a little holiday cheer!

In God’s grip,

Pastor Chuck Church


On Them Light has Shined!


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